Xstreet Delivery Issues
Yet again Xstreet is suffering severe delivery failure issues and has been for the last few weeks. The Commerce Team have yet to acknowledge there is a problem, let alone provide a solution and it’s unlikely they will in the near future.
Xstreet are responsible for the delivery of any item brought from their site. If you have a delivery failure you will need to go here https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/?lang=en , select Marketplace then select Failed Marketplace Delivery. Since Linden Lab has decided to focus on customer satisfaction, the processing times for these tickets has gone from around 24-48 hours to well over 2 weeks. Unfortunately I have tried in the past to speed it up but to no avail.
I strongly suggest you purchase inworld. I know it’s less convenient but you will at least get the item when you pay for it. If you want more information on what you can do to improve your chances of a successful delivery, click here.